Welcome to
St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
Welcoming all,
caring for one another,
and loving the world
as we grow into the likeness of Christ
We seekers at St. Timothy’s believe that God loves you, no matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what. No strings attached. We believe God's love transforms us. Like Jesus, we believe God's Spirit working through us gives life deep meaning and purpose. Our greatest desire is that you experience how much God loves you and how much God desires to be in your life. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, no matter how many detours you’ve taken, you will be accepted here and encouraged to grow in your understanding and experience of Jesus Christ.
With our finite minds, we will never understand our infinite God fully. The Good News is that God has chosen to self-reveal through Jesus. In the loving, accepting, healing presence of Jesus as He is revealed in the Gospels, we come to know this infinite God. Jesus promised an abundant life of joy to all who follow Him. We invite you to come and follow Him with us, the people of St. Timothy’s. Come seek God with us.
Weekly Worship Schedule
Conference Call Number: 803-302-4111
9:00AM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 3-6, in Atrium)
10:30AM Holy Eucharist (on-site and phone)
7:00PM Compline (phone)
8:00AM Mon. – Sat. Morning Prayer & Fellowship (phone)
5:30PM Tues. Centering Prayer (Zoom)
7:00PM Mon. – Fri. Compline & Fellowship (phone)