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Giving to St. Timothy's

“But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Why Do We Give?

Giving is at the top of the long list of ways we love and serve at St. Timothy’s, and it comes in many forms. In serving the needs of our church family and in extending the love of Christ to the greater community, we seek to create opportunities for our friends and members to share of their time, talent, and treasure.


 We strongly believe that each one of us is endowed by God with one of those gifts to share.  Many of our members actively participate in one or more of our many ministries.  We also encourage tithing to maintain our spiritual home and community structure.


Please contact us to explore how your gifts from God can serve St. Timothy’s and our greater community. All are invited to look to the future in creating legacy gifts to St. Timothy’s.  If you are interested in planned giving as a part of your estate, we are happy to share the resources from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

  • May I meet with the priest?
    If you’d like to learn more or simply have a chat, contact our priest to answer any questions you may have. If we are not the church for you, let us help you find the one that is.
  • How long will the worship celebration last?
    The Sunday service at 10:30 lasts about an hour, followed by fellowship and food in Bennett Hall.
  • What’s the make-up of the congregation?
    Our congregation, with a current average Sunday worship attendance of 37, is made up of the diversity of folk who reside all over Richland and Lexington counties. All generations are represented from toddlers to oldsters. We represent the diversity of God’s beloved creation in terms of race, sexual orientation, and politics. All are welcome here.
  • What should I wear?
    Everyone is encouraged to wear what they like. You will see people in casual clothes as well as suits and dresses. Everyone seems comfortable to let others dress as they wish.
  • Are you kid-friendly? Will my child be safe?
    Worship is a multi-generational event and St. Timothy’s welcomes and encourages all children to worship God at their own developmental level in song and prayer. All baptized Christians, regardless of age, receive Christ's Body and Blood. Criminal background checks are required for our clergy. All staff members, along with adults who work with children, must complete abuse prevention training. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to sexual harassment, exploitation or abuse.
  • What’s an Episcopal service like?
    The Episcopal Church is a liturgical Christian church, which means that we worship following a particular order of service found in the red Book of Common Prayer in the pew. Our service is similar in structure to Roman Catholic and Lutheran services. When you arrive, you can expect the church to be silent as people enter. We use the time before the service to pray, reflect, and get centered. Some people read prayers from the Book of Common Prayer; others sit quietly. The service usually begins with a hymn sung from the blue Hymnal. You can expect movement and responses during the service; the congregation sits, stands, kneels, and approaches the altar at different times. Also, the congregation takes part in the “conversation” of the liturgy by responding aloud. We worship God with our hearts, minds, souls, bodies, and voices. You can follow along with the people around you until you get the hang of it. Our service consists of two parts. The first part includes readings from the Bible, a sermon or reflection on the readings, prayers, and responses. The second part includes sharing Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are welcome at the table; those seeking a deeper relationship with God may join us and then learn more about Christian faith and practice by speaking with the priest. We use real bread and real wine. Having been nourished by the Word of God and fed with the spiritual food of Holy Communion, we give thanks to God and are sent out into the world in the name of Christ. Often, we linger to visit with others or share a cup of coffee. Our service usually takes about an hour. We hope you’ll join us!
  • How do Baptism and Communion work?
    We welcome all adults who desire to follow Jesus to be baptized. Infants and children of practicing Christians are also baptized at the request of their parents. First Communion occurs at the time of one's Baptism. Baptisms occur during public worship services on designated Christian feast days throughout the year. We don't re-baptize; once is sufficient! Holy Communion, one of the central practices of the Christian Church, commemorates Jesus’ last meal with his disciples and honors his command to remember him when we gather in his name. We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. All baptized Christians, no matter their age or background, are invited to receive the gifts of Jesus' Body and Blood. If you are drawn to a deeper relationship with God through this sacred meal, please speak with the priest about being baptized. We invite those who have not been baptized to come to the altar for a blessing, designated by placing one’s arms across the chest.
  • Is the church handicapped accessible?
    The church and the parish hall are handicapped accessible via a ramp on the Lincoln St. side of the church building. An usher can assist with entering the building.
  • Do you have nursery care?
    Nursery care is currently unavailable. All children are welcome in worship.
  • May I come to coffee hour after the service?
    All are encouraged to attend coffee hour after the 10:30 service. It is a good way to get to know each other better.
  • Where do I park?
    Parking is available in the parking lot behind the church, and is also available on Calhoun and Lincoln Streets on Sunday mornings. A parking deck is available on the corner of Lincoln and Laurel Streets, two blocks from the church.
  • How do I become a member?
    The steps to becoming a member of St. Timothy’s, through baptism, confirmation, or reception, depend on your particular faith journey. Generally, members participate in a series of classes, spend time with a sponsor, and are welcomed by the community at a service. If you would like to know more, contact the Priest in Charge.
  • What is the Episcopal Church’s teaching regarding homosexuals?
    The Episcopal Church teaches that homosexuals are children of God just like everyone else. All people are welcome in The Episcopal Church and at St. Timothy’s.
  • What is the Episcopal Church’s stand on abortion?
    Back in the sixteenth century, when Queen Elizabeth of England was being pressured by various groups to make a ruling on whether the Church of England would be Protestant or Catholic, she said this, “I refuse to make a window into men’s souls.” This reflects where the Episcopal Church stands on hot button issues. The Episcopal Church supports its members and honors their opinions recognizing that opinions on issues such as abortion vary from person to person. For this reason, we have a wide variety of people in The Episcopal Church with very diverse opinions. Our commitment to honor Christ and follow Him binds us together despite differences of opinion and belief.
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